Thursday 27 September 2012

How To: Downgrade iOS 5.1 To iOS 5.0.1/5.0 On iPhone 4/3GS, iPad 1G, iPod Touch 4G/3G

Downgrade From iOS 5.1 To iOS 5.0.1 / iOS 5.0
Step 1) – The first thing you will need to do is download a tool developed by iH8Sn0w called iFaith. What the iFaith tool does is dumps the SHSH blobs directly off your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad for the firmware you are currently running. Allowing you to stitch together a custom firmware that candowngrade your iOS device to a previous firmware version Apple is not signing. If you are following this how to guide you most likely already used this tool to dump your iOS 5.0.1 or iOS 5.0 SHSH blobs.
Download iFaith 1.4.2 (Windows)
Step 2) - The next thing you will need to do is run iFaith (click the OK button once you have read the warning).
iFaith v1.4.2 Windows
Step 3) - With iFaith up and running you will need to click the Build *signed* IPSW w/ Blobs button.
iFaith v1.4.2 Windows
Step 4) – Upon clicking the button previously mentioned you will need to browse for the saved SHSH blobs file that was created when you saved your SHSH blobs for the iOS 5.0.1 or iOS 5.0 firmware.
iFaith v1.4.2 Windows
Step 5) – It is now time to browse for the iOS 5.0.1 or iOS 5.0 firmware file. Depending on which SHSH blob file you selected you will need to select either the iOS 5.0.1 firmware file or iOS 5.0firmware file (download iOS firmware files here).
iFaith v1.4.2 Windows
Step 6) – After you have selected the right firmware file iFaith will begin creating your customfirmware file.
Step 7) – When your custom firmware file has been created go back to the iFaith main menu (if you are not there already) and click the Use DFU Pwner (iREB) button. Now simply follow the instructions presented to you for putting your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad into pwned DFU mode.
iFaith v1.4.2 Windows
Step 8 ) – With your iOS device in pwned DFU mode you will need to launch iTunes and restore your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad to the custom firmware file you created. This can be done by Option (alt) clicking the Restore button on Mac OS X or by SHIFT clicking the Restore button onWindows.


How To Downgrade iOS 6 Beta 1 To iOS 5.1.1

How To Downgrade iOS 6 Beta 1 To iOS 5.1.1

Step 1) -  The first thing you will need to do is download the iOS 5.1.1 firmware file for your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. You can download by clicking here.
Step 2) - Plug your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad into your computer if you have not already via your USB cable and now you will need to put your iOS device into DFU mode by following the instructions below:
  • Shutoff your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad.
  • Hold down Power (corner) button for 5 seconds.
  • Without releasing the Power button, also hold down the Home (bottom center) button along with the Power button for 10 seconds.
  • Without releasing the home button, stop holding down the power button for up to 15 seconds.
Step 3) - If you entered DFU mode correctly your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad should be on a black screen, and iTunes should popup alerting you your iOS device is in recovery mode (it will not be able to tell you information about your iOS device). With your iOS device in DFU mode you will simply need to SHIFT click the Restore button on Windows or Option (alt) click the Restore button onMac OS X and select your applicable iOS 5.1.1 IPSW.
Step 4) - Your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad will now start being restored back to the iOS 5.1.1 firmware (this process can take up to 10 minutes). When your iOS device reboots in a functional state you can now Jailbreak Untethered on iOS 5.1.1 using a Jailbreaking tool like Absinthe 
Download Absinthe 2.0.4 for Windows
Download Absinthe 2.0.4 for Mac

Dont't know how to jailbreak  click here

Congratulations! You are no longer running the buggy iOS 6 beta 1 firmware on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. If you have any further questions please turn your attention to the comments section below.

How To: Significantly Increase The Volume Limit On iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad On iOS 5 And iOS 4

<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
How to increase volume of your iphone, ipod touch,ipad
Step 1 
The first thing you have to do is jailbreak your iphone iPod Touch or iPad. If you have not done this already there are many how to guides you can find around I recommend going to the Easiest Way To jailBreak 
                                                                           Step 2 
Next you are going to need to install the following Cydia tweaks to your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad:
  • OpenSSH (How to with video) or iflie
  • MobileTerminal (You will need to add this repo u dont know how to add repo click here )
                                                                          Step 3
 Once you have installed the Cydia tweaks listed above you will need to launch MobileTerminal. When open you will see a UNIX screen as depicted below. Containing the name of your iDevice with added: – mobile$
                                                                        Step 4
 What you are going to do next is login as a root user.
and click return.
You should see a screen like this:
After typing the su command you will need to enter a password. The default password is alpine  (unless you have changed it).
Note: Warning when typing your password no dots appear. Though your letters will be typed
and click return.
                                                                         Step 5 
The next thing you are going to do is navigate to the directory where the volume limits file is housed and change the permissions of the file so you can edit through iFile.
cd /
and click return.
Your root directory should appear.
cd System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Celestial.framework
and click return.
Note: Keep in mind that you are working in UNIX and you should type the capitals as shown above and below.
chmod 777 RegionalVolumeLimits.plist
and click return.
This command ensures you that, you have the right rights to edit this file.
                                                                       Step 6
You can now close MobileTerminal and open iFile. When you open iFile you should see a screen like this:
                                                                        Step 7
With iFile open click on var in the top left corner, then click /
You are now in the root folder.
Click System then Library then PrivateFrameworks and then Celestial.framework.
Browse for the RegionalVolumeLimits.plist file and click on it. Upon clicking the file you should be presented with the options depicted below.
                                                                        Step 8 
click on Property List Viewer. Upon doing so you now have all of the volume settings for your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad in front of you.
Change all the values in this file as shown above from 0,83 to 25. Which means setting the volume limit from 83% to 125%. When you are done it should look like the screenshot shown above.
Note: This is tested by me as the best value for battery life and audio quality of the build in the speaker of the iPhone and iPad (it really decreases when you set it higher). Setting the value higher will make you speaker sound distorted when playing loud music. This was tested on the  iPhone 3GS,  iPhone 4, iPad 1G and iPad 2G.
If you always use a headphone, you could crank up the limit to 99 (199%), though your battery will decrease by 1% per 3 minutes (tested headphones Sennheiser PMX-60,PX-100II, PX200II, BeyerDynamic T50p and T5p, Grado SR-60i, SR80i, SR-225i, SR-325is, RS-1i and the truly great GS-1000i, as well as the electrostatic STAX SR-007mkII and SR-009 headphones. Keep in mind that you’ll need a power source for the STAX headphones, but when you are in a quiet environment they are the best you can get. When you want the best in-ears try the Bang & Olufsen Earset 3i.).
                                                                         Step 9
After you have applied the tweak click Done, and exit iFile with your Home button. Afterwards reboot your device (click power button 3 seconds, and swipe the arrow on the slide to power off text). When your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad turns back on you’ll be rocking with your iDevice.

                                                                      Step 10

                                                             (Most important)
                                                      PLS leave a comment lolz 
                                                                EnJoy :D

Any Problem 
Mail me


Wednesday 26 September 2012

How to trim your SIM to iPhone 5 nano-SIM size


The process is much the same as cutting your SIM to micro dimensions, and so no extra equipment is required, just the following:
  • 1x iPhone 5 (unlocked)
  • 1x standard SIM card or micro-SIM card
  • 1x pokey stick device
  • 1x scissors
  • 1x super-steady pair of hands

Study up

First things first: grab hold of your pokey stick thingy that will have come in your new iPhone's box -- or a paperclip if you've already lost it down the back of the sofa -- and jiggle it about in the tiny hole on the side of your phone.
The nano-SIM fits in the caddy with the gold chip facing downwards. Note the chamfered corner to make sure the card is inserted the right way around.
I cut down two SIMs in my experiment -- one Vodafone, one GiffGaff. To make your nano-SIM, you'll have to trim down the metal, but as long as you don't actually touch the chip, which as you can see from the picture (in which I have dissected an old SIM using all of my GCSE science skills), is much smaller than the metal area itself.
I had a real, non-DIY nano-SIM provided by O2 to measure mine up against and compare it to as I went along. You probably won't have that, so look carefully at the picture (below right), and make sure you use the SIM tray as a guide the whole way through. Pens don't work all that well on cheapy SIM plastic, but even the faintest trace of an outline can make the difference between nano-SIM DIY success and failure -- so give it a go.
All SIMs look slightly different, so a bit of nouse and detective work is required to figure out where exactly the chip is hiding within the metal. You''ll usually find the chip at the end of the metal furthest away from the angled corner of your SIM card, or in the middle of the brackets if your SIM has them.

Take the plunge

There's a Swahili phrase, 'pole pole', which means 'gently gently, slowly slowly' and this is exactly how you should go about chopping up your SIM. Better to trim too little than too much, as you don't want to damage the chip. Neither do you want it to be in any way too small. The nano-SIM needs to sit snugly in the tray or it will wiggle about and not make proper and consistent contact with your phone.
On the GiffGaff SIM, I used the faint golden rectangle that was about the size of a SIM chip to work out how far down it was safe to cut, but on the Vodafone SIM I hazarded a guess that the bracket-like lines were my primary clue. I ran my scissors along the outermost points of the brackets, being careful not to go over the lines (using my GCSE geography colouring-in skills). When I later cracked the SIM open, I discovered that my guesswork was spot-on.
When it comes to cutting vertically, take note of the squiggly pattern in the middle and use that as a guide -- don't trim any further in than that. I first trimmed to the very edge of the metal, before using the two lines outside the central squiggly pattern as guides and snipped vertically, making sure I didn't cross the lines.
The metal area on the GiffGaff SIM I used was already the right width, so fortunately I could cut (still oh-so-carefully) up the plastic sides and leave the middle bit be. One final thing is to remember which end of the SIM card was originally lacking a right-angled corner, as the final step in creating your nano-SIM is to make a tiny diagonal snip to fit your SIM into the tray.

The moment of truth

If your SIM fits and if you've looked through the leftover detritus and not discovered anything that looks alarmingly like an electronic chip, it's time to test your new nano-SIM in your phone.
Without being too smug, both of mine worked perfectly and I dearly hope yours did too. If you've slotted it in and your phone is reading something like 'No service' or 'SIM not recognised' or 'No SIM installed', then I'm sorry to tell you that this might be the end of your SIM card's life.
If you're considering slicing up your SIM then best of luck! And be sure to only use scissors
                                                           (Most important)
                                                    PLS leave a comment lolz 
                                                                EnJoy :D

How to make your own iPad or iPhone 4 micro SIM

1. Here's a traditional SIM and its measurements, the only working area is the metal contacts.
Make your own micro sim
2. This is the same SIM with the micro-SIM specifications overlaid. You can use this to trim yours down to size.
Make your own micro sim
3. Here we are cutting our SIM down to size...
Make your own micro sim
4. ...and now it's ready to activate in our shiny new iPad or iPhone 4.
Make your own micro sim

How To: Unlock iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS On iOS 5.1.1 Using UltraSn0w 1.2.7

Step 1: You must already be running the iOS 5.1.1 firmware on your iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS, and you must also be Jailbroken on the iOS 5.1.1 firmware. If your iPhone is not Jailbroken please click here
Step 2: After your iPhone is running the iOS 5.1.1 firmware and is Jailbroken you will need to simply launch Cydia from your SpringBoard.
Step 3: Once Cydia is up and running you will need to go into the Sources page. To go into the Sources page tap Manage followed by Sources.
Step 4: Typically, the UltraSn0w repo is included with Cydia. If not, tap the Edit button followed by the Add button and you will be prompted to add a URL source. Type:
Followed by tapping the Add Source button.
Step 5: Cydia will automatically refresh and update sources.
Step 6: After Cydia is done refreshing sources. Tap the Search tab on the bottom tab bar and search for Ultrasnow. Once UltraSn0w appears, tap on it and you should see version 1.2.7. Read through the description and tap the install button to install UltraSn0w 1.2.7 to your iPhone 4 oriPhone 3GS  running the iOS 5.1.1 firmware.
Note: In case you are not familiar with UltraSn0w, it is a software unlock for your iPhone you can use your iPhone with any carrier by simply inserting the sim card.
Ultrasn0w 1.2.7 iOS 5.1.1 unlock
Step 7: When UltraSn0w is installed you must restart your iPhone, plug in your unofficial SIM card and wait for your iPhone to connect to your network.                                                                   Step 8
                                                           (Most important)
                                                    PLS leave a comment lolz 
                                                                EnJoy :D

your iphone is unlocked enjoy :D
please leave ur comment :D